Recognizing ADHD can be a confusing process. ADHD can appear very different from one person to the next, even within the same family. Some will have pronounced hyperactive symptoms, while others’ symptoms are much less noticeable, such as poor concentration, internal restlessness/impatience, procrastination and disorganization.
Equally confusing is when someone who legitimately has ADHD is able to hyperfocus for lengthy periods on a video game, a favorite hobby or a particularly engaging task at work. In the end, ADHD does not mean a complete inability to focus, but rather an excessive inconsistency in attention. It’s not that parts of the brain are “missing” or never work correctly, but that too often the brain is less active than it should be to smoothly handle the task at hand.
ADHD Counseling & Testing
With ADHD being so difficult to recognize, professional counseling and testing for ADHD can be critical to receiving the right help. ADHD often goes misdiagnosed for years as depression, anxiety, or just “laziness.” As a consequence, many with ADHD spend years of frustration receiving the wrong advice and the wrong medicines for this very treatable condition, even though it has been repeatedly found to affect 4-7% of the population.
Both assessment and cognitive behavioral treatment of ADHD in children and adults is one of my deepest specialties. I carefully stay informed with the most recent research available, and I routinely present this research to physicians, school staff and fellow therapists. My first serious interest in ADHD was during my doctoral internship, where part of the year was intensely dedicated to working with ADHD college students of all ages. Since opening my private practice in Idaho– where so few school resources are available– my dedication to helping children and adults with ADHD has only grown more passionate.
Details on ADHD testing services are described in the last section (scroll down). I also provide counseling and consulting to children, adults and parents to improve their day-to-day management of ADHD, to brainstorm helpful academic accommodations, to answer questions about medications and non-medical treatment options, or simply to provide a positive structure while tackling lingering issues with procrastination, self-criticism or disorganization. My style is to first get to know you as a human being, then learn what symptoms of ADHD are most affecting your school, work, home life or personal relationships. From there, I can suggest numerous strategies, looking for those ideas that have been proven effective and that will also suit your personality and lifestyle.
More on Dr. Hill’s Counseling Style
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Recognizing ADHD
Do you feel like you would be capable of great things if you could just “get it together” long enough? Do you wake up feeling like you’re running behind on all the things you need to do, spend the whole day in high gear, then still go to bed feeling like you didn’t get done what you needed to?
Or, do you spend the whole day in a fog, constantly aware of all the things on that to-do list, but never mustering up the motivation to get started in earnest?
While everyone occasionally encounters these feelings and symptoms, people with ADHD often find the quality of their life & relationships impaired:
Inattention & Memory Problems
Hyperactivity and Restlessness
Impulsivity & Emotional Instability
Problems with Self-worth & Relationships
ADHD Testing with the Brown Scales
The Brown Scales for Attention-Deficit Disorders can quickly, reliably determine if ADHD is what has been negatively impacting your life, work and relationships.
For the all-inclusive $978 fee (or two payments of $489), you’ll receive: