Monthly Archives: February 2017

Presentation: Bolstering Social Skills for ADHD & Asperger’s Students

In October 2016 Dr. Hill enjoyed again presenting at the combined Idaho School Counselors- School Psychologist Annual Conference, this time on improving social skills for children with ADHD and high functioning autistic spectrum diagnoses (Asperger's).  After examining how core symptoms of both issues can lead to social difficulty, participants learned how friendship coaching, group therapy, [...]

By |2017-02-03T20:41:27-07:00February 3rd, 2017|ADHD, Parenting, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Dr. Hill presents on Bipolar to Region IV Mental Health

I want to thank Region IV Mental Health (Twin Falls, Ketchum) for the opportunity to present in March 2016 on the complexity of identifying and treating clients with bipolar type depression.  In full group and small group exercises participants learned how to properly recognize when bipolar is present without wrongly jumping to conclusions, and how [...]

By |2017-06-27T20:22:45-06:00February 3rd, 2017|Bipolar, Depression, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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