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Bipolar Online ResourcesStephen Hill2025-03-07T06:21:43-07:00
Frontline: The Medicated Child 
Focusing primarily on medical treatment for childhood and adolescents with bipolar, this program also addresses ADHD, tics, and follows several families as they pursue accurate diagnosis and make difficult medication decisions. Assesses the current state of knowledge for minors with serious mental health issues vs. physical ailments like cancer.
The Balanced Mind Parent Network
Numerous family stories and articles, expert interviews, research abstracts and reprints. Formerly known as the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, but now expanded to cover other childhood mood disorders as well.
Bipolar Disorders: Psych. (Psychiatrist Jim Phelps)
This very comprehensive site discusses recognizing Bipolar symptoms, maintaining hope, and uderstanding the role of genetics vs. blaming yourself for “low personal strength.” Articles explore the tricky business of telling whether symptoms truly represent Bipolar vs. ADHD, anxiety, thyroid problems, Borderline Personality, etc. (although more than one condition may be present).
Bipolar (Author Julie Fast)
The site hosts information for both those with bipolar depression as well as their loved ones, including a handful of free articles plus links to her blog and how to purchase her books and materials. The health cards system (for sale in both hard copy and download version) overviews her most helpful material for most. The health cards serve as a companion to therapy by helping recognize key symptoms and listing numerous strategies for both self and family / significant others.
Broad Mental Health Websites with Bipolar Information:
Mental Health Net
Describes the symptoms of common mental health diagnoses, then reviews treatments, research, national organizations and support groups, and online support. To search the site, scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Web M.D.
With content written and reviewed by our local company Healthwise, this site offers numerous articles and resources on both physical and mental health. The Drugs & Treatment tab takes you to an alphabetical list of medications, allowing you to see FDA indications and warnings.
Medscape: Mental & Emotional Health Info.
Pamphlet-type information for all categories of major mental health concerns, written by the National Institutes of Mental Health and Carenotes. Also sign up here to receive periodic newsletters with the newest news and research on select topics, like ADHD and Bipolar. Requires a quick, free registration.
National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH)
Excellent reading, with more technical detail included. Under Health Information, explore sections on both “Mental Health Info.” and “Publications” by topic to print brochures for yourself, or to share with family, friends, coworkers or teachers.
NAMI Idaho
NAMI is a nationwide organization dedicated to support, education and advocacy on behalf of people with a mental illness and their families. After creating a free online account, you can access numerous online discussion and support groups in a bulletin board format. Post your comments or questions, or just read about others’ experiences.
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